Friday, 19 September 2008

Weighty Issues

After all that awful weather during the summer holidays, this week has been glorious. I've even managed to dry washing on the line!

So it's ironic that I have started thinking about Christmas presents. But needs must and all hat. I decided to go down the practical route and make two doorstops that I managed to squeeze out from a remnant of chenille fabric.

Although I have kept the doorstop a manageable size. it still took some filling. But that's one present down. After making one for someone else, the thought occurred to me that I should have made an extra one for myself. Arthur careering through our fully glazed door is a regular event in our house.

So it's back to the sewing machine for me!


bigbucketgirl said...

what did you fill it with? i've made a prototype this week but thought I might just stick a sealed bag of rice or two in it!?

P. said...

Such a nice doorstop. Very well done.


Pipany said...

Love the chenille Sam. Could do with one myself due to our cat who hurls himself through the door ragularly too! x

Just Original said...

Stop been so organised you are showing the rest of us up!

Fab doorstop!

Vanessa x

Ragged Roses said...

That is very pretty, I love the fabric, beautiful colour